C Code with Scaling

This example uses the C/C++ Platform in a simple way. It demonstrates how to test a simple SUT written with scaled values in C. Therefore, a mapping with a Scaling flavor is specified.

Open the file Help|Examples|03 Test Execution Platforms|02 C Code with Scaling. Select the TPT project in the Project view. Read the text in the text boxes in the Content view.

Select Execution|Platform Configuration to open the Platform Configuration dialog. Click Create a platform configuration and select C/C++ Platform. Select a compiler, for example MinGW.

C code with scaling setting

Add a Project root folder to specify where your source files are located. Click Create a new C Source and select the C code source files you want to test. Press the Analyze Sources button and then Import Interface. In the Import Interface dialog press the Default All button and then OK.

Select a mapping with a Scaling flavor specified in the Declaration Editor. Click Generate & Compile to generate a test frame.

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